
Tag Archives: 5G Wireless

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Mini Cool Edge IO Connectors for 5G and Datacenters

Mini Cool Edge IO Connectors for 5G and Datacenters

With 5G on the spotlight and IoT or the Internet of Things making everyday life smarter, the demand for integrated technology is on a constant rise. When innovations are made a reality, it is critical to create robust architectures with reliable interconnect support to meet the demands of modern applications. The impulse of the digitalized world is largely dependent on the speed and efficacy of data transfer. [Read more]
Enhanced Connectivity for 5G Networking

Enhanced Connectivity for 5G Networking

5G connectivity is no longer fictional, as many networks around the world have already developed infrastructure and devices to support the improved speed, capacity, and bandwidth of 5G networks. Within the next decade, most of the industry will utilize this technological revolution to create uncompromising and innovative products and applications. 

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5G Wireless - En route to Smart Life

5G Wireless - En route to Smart Life

Life gets smart, quick and easy with 5G connectivity. This new generation of technology will pave the way for substantial innovations that influence many areas of life.  5G will deliver data promptly and seamlessly compared to the previous versions. Machine to machine communication and automation of various machines will leap to the next level.

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5G Wireless- To a Sustainable Future

5G Wireless- To a Sustainable Future

With a speed 1000 times faster than the existing mobile technologies, 5G will redefine smart life, consumer behavior, as well as governments and businesses operations in the years to come.  Technologies such as 5G, IoT, blockchain and AI would converge perfectly to enable a close knit world of wireless connection. This will transform our day to day life and surroundings in a way never like before.

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5G Wireless- The Faster Technology for Tomorrow

5G Wireless- The Faster Technology for Tomorrow

Communication and networking is an ever growing industry. The transformation from one generation to the next has been relentless. 1G technology was analog cellular, 2G used technologies like CDMA, GSM, and TDM to make the first giant leap towards digital communications. The speed concepts were reframed from Kbps to few Mbps with the introduction of 3G technologies like EVDO, HSPA, and UMTS. 

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