
Tag Archives: Mini Cool Edge IO

Amphenol Connect Blog

Check this blog to learn how our products are enabling the electronics revolution

Amphenol at ODCC Summit 2022

Amphenol at ODCC Summit 2022

Open Data Center Committee (ODCC) is a non-profit organization constituted by the organizations and enterprises from the data-center industry. The main motto of the committee is to create an open data center platform in China that promotes infrastructural development and standardization of Internet. Amphenol is a strategic partner and advocate of the ODCC Committee. [Read more]
Meet Us at ODCC Summit 2021

Meet Us at ODCC Summit 2021

Open Data Center Committee (ODCC) Summit is one of China’s leading Data Center events. ODCC is a voluntarily formed non-profit social organization constituted by the enterprises and organizations associated with data center.

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Mini Cool Edge IO Connectors for 5G and Datacenters

Mini Cool Edge IO Connectors for 5G and Datacenters

With 5G on the spotlight and IoT or the Internet of Things making everyday life smarter, the demand for integrated technology is on a constant rise. When innovations are made a reality, it is critical to create robust architectures with reliable interconnect support to meet the demands of modern applications. The impulse of the digitalized world is largely dependent on the speed and efficacy of data transfer. [Read more]
Next Level Communication with 5G Networking

Next Level Communication with 5G Networking

Self-driving cars, automated homes, and intelligent office spaces are a reality today and are taking a new level up each day. With the implementation of the fifth generation of telecom networking, the 5G, it is not only meeting high-speed requirements but also creating a new ecosystem with the Internet of Things where these connected devices communicate with each other making life easier.

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Product Demonstrations at DesignCon 2020

Product Demonstrations at DesignCon 2020

DesignCon provides an unparalleled opportunity to check out the latest and most innovative products in the market. Throughout the event, you have access to more than 5,000 design engineers and other industry experts, demonstrations and presentations. In addition to Amphenol’s extensive product solutions< [Read more]
