Environmental, Health and Safety Policy
The Amphenol Communications Solutions (ACS) Business Group will conduct its business worldwide with a commitment to safeguard people and the environment. Good environmental, health and safety performance and a commitment to the sustainable development are critical to the success of our business, and it is the responsibility of every ACS employee.
In accordance with our policy, ACS will:
- Provide safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injury and ill health for workers, contractors, and the public
- Focus on pollution prevention, waste minimization, and reduction of the use of raw materials and natural resources.
- Eliminate hazards and reduce risks associated with worker health and safety and the environmental impacts of its products, services, and activities
- Continually improve environmental, occupational health and safety performance through implementation of effective, integrated management systems where applicable
- Adhere to applicable environmental, health, and safety laws and regulations of the countries and communities where we operate and related rules, procedures, and compliance obligations issued by the Company
- Promote sustainable development and social responsibility, while continually improving product quality and reliability and attaining economic goals
- Follow the Responsible Business Alliance Code of Conduct for labor, ethics, environmental, health and safety, and management systems
- Provide leadership, professional staff, training, support, and other resources necessary for the implementation of environmental, health, and safety programs
- Enhance employee engagement through management actions at all levels and by facilitating ongoing worker input and training
Each member of management is responsible for the environmental, health, safety, and sustainability performance of their operations and their employees involved. All ACS employees are responsible for integrating the principles of this policy into their work activities, systems, and processes.
William J. Doherty |
Martha Coopersmith-Gray |