Floating Board-to-Board Connectors
Amphenol's board-to-board floating connectors are electromechanical interconnects that can absorb misalignments in the "X", "Y", and "Z" axes. Unlike traditional connectors, these connectors have a unique design that suspends the mating interface above the PCB using bent terminals that provide elasticity. This elasticity is crucial in providing several advantages, including improved misalignment tolerance and greater reliability in electronic connections.
FloatCombo™ 0.50mm
Floating Board-to-Board Connectors
Advantages of Floating Connectors
Misalignment Absorption
One of the key advantages of floating connectors is their ability to absorb misalignments in the "X," "Y," and "Z" axes. By employing bent terminals that provide elasticity, these connectors suspend the mating interface above the PCB, ensuring reliable connections even in the presence of slight misalignments. This feature simplifies the assembly process and improves overall production efficiency.
Single Board, Many Connections
Floating connectors are especially beneficial when connecting PCBs with multiple connection points. Unlike non-floating connectors, which can be challenging to align accurately, floating connectors readily accommodate misalignments between PCBs. This flexibility allows for reliable and efficient interconnections, making them an ideal choice for applications that require precision and flexibility.
No structural stress
Non-floating connectors can experience stress and potential damage when subjected to misalignments. Floating connectors address this issue by absorbing misalignments and preventing structural stress from impacting the PCB and other components. This reduces the risk of damage and enhances the overall reliability and durability of electronic systems.
Design Freedom
The ability of floating connectors to absorb misalignments simplifies the design process and minimizes the need for complex tolerance management. This design flexibility allows engineers to create more robust and adaptable solutions, making it easier to accommodate changes and modifications throughout the design process.
Why use floating board-to-board connectors?
BTB connectors are often used in situations where a single, larger printed circuit board (PCB) is not practical or effective. There are various reasons for this, such as form factor constraints that require a three-dimensional arrangement to maximize available space. Additionally, it may be necessary to separate sensitive analog or RF circuits from noisy digital circuits or to ensure compliance with regulatory standards related to high voltages. In some cases, thermal management concerns may necessitate the use of separate PCBs for hotter components.
Another reason for using multiple interconnected PCBs is when a particular circuit subsection is intended to be used across multiple versions of a product. For example, a core processing board may be paired with different display and input options for various models of an alarm or sensor system. Similarly, production requirements may dictate the use of specialized components or assembly processes that are not suitable for other parts of the board.
Upgradability and field repairability are also considerations. For example, a vendor may want to upgrade one function in a system while leaving the analog function unchanged for technical reasons or cost savings. Alternatively, experience may indicate that certain parts of the system are more likely to require replacement or repair, and separating these functions onto a separate PCB may simplify maintenance.
Other reasons for using multiple PCBs include the need for thicker material or heavier copper cladding to support power components or to address EMI/RFI concerns by separating or shielding certain circuitry. Industries that commonly use multiple PCBs include industrial control systems, motor controls, programmable logic controllers (PLCs), alarm and security units, and medical systems such as portable X-ray or ultrasound machines.
Applications of Floating Connectors
Floating connectors find applications in various industries, including automotive, medical, and industrial sectors. They are commonly used in PLCs, CNCs, industrial PCs, sensor units, and controllers, where reliable interconnectivity is crucial for efficient operation. Additionally, floating connectors are employed in car navigation systems, audio modules, wireless modules, and other electronic components, benefiting from their durability and reliability. The adoption of floating connector technology is on the rise, driven by its ability to enhance the performance, reliability, and cost-effectiveness of electronic systems across a wide range of applications.
Amphenol's floating connectors offer numerous advantages over traditional connectors, making them a preferred choice in the world of electronic interconnects. By absorbing misalignments, accommodating multiple connectors, reducing stress on PCBs, and providing design flexibility, these connectors contribute to enhanced performance and reliability in electronic systems. Whether in automotive, medical, or industrial applications, floating connectors are proving to be invaluable components that optimize connectivity and support the efficient operation of electronic devices.